SVHH - Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity
SVHH stands for Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity
Here you will find, what does SVHH stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity? Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity can be abbreviated as SVHH What does SVHH stand for? SVHH stands for Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity. What does Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity mean?Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity is an expansion of SVHH
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Alternative definitions of SVHH
View 4 other definitions of SVHH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SVILC Silicon Valley Independent Living Center
- SIPA Silicon Valley Indian Professionals Association
- SVMG Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group
- SVTC Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
- SFF Silva Forest Foundation
- SLCCSCT Silver Lake Conference Center of Sharon, CT
- SMBBAI Silver Magic Band Boosters Association Inc.
- SSSNP Silver Springs Spay-Neuter Project
- SSMCTP Silver Star Mixed Club Telecom Pioneers
- SGAC Silvermine Guild Arts Center
- SPL Simcoe Public Library
- SVH Simi Valley Hospital
- SC Simmons College
- SWC Simon Wiesenthal Center
- SRCB Simon's Rock College of Bard
- SHS Simpson Housing Services
- SUSA Simputer USA
- SFUSA Sin Fronteras USA
- SAYHS Sinai Academy Yeshiva High School
- ST Sinai Temple